Team player, youthful at heart, appreciating freedom, and believing in the importance of an “own it” attitude, this is Anton Krastev, Team Lead at the Customer Success department of AMPECO.

Meet Anton Krastev - A day on the customer success team involves many meetings, calendar organizing, and operational work; therefore, time management is crucial for our department and the people at AMPECO. Each of the most experienced people in the organization is skilled in planning and making time for ad-hoc work. No one can count on being able to fill their day with just a plan, so you must always be ready to switch to the dynamics. 

Starting the second season of “Life at AMPECO,” we focus on the uniqueness of each of our teams and their members and the sparks inside them that drive AMPECO to success.

We have already introduced you to Krastan Ivanov, Head of Client Services, and shared his journey within AMPECO, including his extensive travels and professional growth. Now, we are delving into the dynamics of his teams to uncover the key factors that contribute to their effectiveness.

Today, we are meeting you with Anton, or as we call him – Toni.

He is a huge fan of computer games, but his love goes to multiplayer quests where he can contribute to the team, much like he’s in the professional field. His passion is cycling, and his secret talent is that he can assemble a bike independently. Anton is keen on single-speed bikes without gears and says the bike is his faithful companion to clear his head whenever he can hop on a ride. That’s one of his favorite ways to supercharge and be his best version at home and work. 

What path led you to AMPECO?

I have had a diverse career path so far. Over the last 12 years, I have developed my professional skills, mainly in the IT sector. Before that, I worked in various fields, all related to enriching my knowledge and skillset as a Customer Success Manager, which empowers me now to ensure our clients’ success.

My commitment to contributing to the team and the company’s development was my primary motivation for joining AMPECO. Although my decision to transition from the corporate world to the startup universe may have seemed impulsive, the main factor was the opportunity to play a significant role in the organization’s future.

I have been with AMPECO for two years, which is quite a long time for a company in its scaling-up phase. When I decided to make the switch, I didn’t know how it would work out for me, as I didn’t know anyone in my circle who worked in a company like AMPECO. I also needed a clearer idea of what to expect from this change. My conversations with Krastan and Stefan were the deciding factor in my case. The easy flow of our discussions and my immediate connection with them gave me a sense of belonging and clarity. This change has become something I hadn’t even imagined before.

Meet Anton Krastev - A day on the customer success team involves many meetings, calendar organizing, and operational work; therefore, time management is crucial for our department and the people at AMPECO. Each of the most experienced people in the organization is skilled in planning and making time for ad-hoc work. No one can count on being able to fill their day with just a plan, so you must always be ready to switch to the dynamics. 

What’s the thing about your role that ignites your power?

It’s a complex answer that combines many factors, but my current role makes me question why I haven’t made this switch earlier.

The Customer Success Manager at AMPECO has been our clients’ essential operational partner since the beginning of their journey with us. We are really focused on delivering a fluent understanding of the platform and keeping it up to date during its dynamic evolvement. We act as trusted consultants helping our clients achieve their short- and long-term business goals, be efficient, and constantly receive high-quality support from AMPECO. Understanding and sometimes translating complex use case scenarios is fundamental, and even though the job itself is not technical, it requires a solid technical background to deliver what’s expected from the role.

The answer doesn’t come from what I do daily. All the dedicated people in the company who lead by example and the unmatched dynamic of working in a scaleup create the perfect environment I want to be in every day.

What does your typical workday look like?

The typical workday at AMPECO excites me because there is always something new. 

However, the day always starts with planning and reviewing our current priorities. It is good to note that timely responses are always necessary because you need to be reactive here. 

A day on the customer success team involves many meetings, calendar organizing, and operational work; therefore, time management is crucial for our department and the people at AMPECO. Each of the most experienced people in the organization is skilled in planning and making time for ad-hoc work. No one can count on being able to fill their day with just a plan, so you must always be ready to switch to the dynamics. 

What experience is needed to be part of the Customer Success team in one of the world’s leading EV charging software companies? 

Experience in direct customer communication is vital because it’s the key to success in our department. One has to have a technical understanding, ideally having worked with several technologies. We have many conversations in which we have to explain how things happen and understand our clients’ requirements and needs. That’s where our knowledge comes in. 

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, so ultimately, you must be dedicated and motivated to achieve excellence.

Customer success teams are complex because people here must be good in various fields. Moreover, they must combine all their skills to do their jobs efficiently. Still, our teams are genuinely an incubator for creating long-lasting professionals in the company who can switch to other departments—we have examples of this. Here, you gain the needed insight into all the different positions in the company, and accordingly, a CS person is prepared for almost any of the other teams.

Meet Anton Krastev - A day on the customer success team involves many meetings, calendar organizing, and operational work; therefore, time management is crucial for our department and the people at AMPECO. Each of the most experienced people in the organization is skilled in planning and making time for ad-hoc work. No one can count on being able to fill their day with just a plan, so you must always be ready to switch to the dynamics. 

How does your journey at AMPECO contribute to your personal and professional growth? 

AMPECO has given me an impulse for life.

My experience here is truly profound. The dynamic is something I hope never stops, and I recommend it to anyone who considers themselves curious and flexible. Here, you’ll have something new daily to feed your hunger for knowledge. 

The AMPECO journey gives you an overall view of each team’s work. Moreover, everyone here is open to telling you what they are working on, and you can see their current work via our open office. I’ve always worked with other teams, but this cross-team dynamic here is unique. Understanding what all people are doing, how they do it, and what the best practices are is an AMPECO thing.

This kind of environmental switch from corporate to the scaleup that this company is has proven successful for many employees so far, and for me, it was nothing but a game changer. 

What’s one thing you do that is important to you?

As a team leader, I’m a vital source of information for my colleagues, but at the same time, I’m working individually with each one to develop their time management and other soft skills. My job is to help them reach their excellence more easily and understand their solid sides and those needing more advancement, which is different for everyone. In this way, I can pass on my knowledge in many areas, and this is a thing I appreciate about my journey here.

What do you value the most about the people and the culture at AMPECO?

To be concrete, I love that when we say we are customer-centric, each person means it and lives by it in their work. I’m a perfectionist, and by being quality-oriented, it’s important to me to always focus on the client’s needs. AMPECO’s business model is centered around the success of our customers, and this is where customer success takes on its whole meaning. 

Another thing I like is the mindset of responsibility each of us has here. In AMPECO, everyone sees and knows what they’re doing and realizes its importance. You feel your impact immediately – from every task you have, whether internally or externally – and the result of the actions is thought at the exact moment. Here, everyone makes a difference. Whether in the fact that someone will be directly grateful to you, whether because you see how every single thing you do develops – from the beginning to the end, you see immediately what has gone well and what hasn’t, you do your analysis, always see how you can improve things. That is one of the most valuable assets in my role and of the people of AMPECO. 

Meet Anton Krastev - A day on the customer success team involves many meetings, calendar organizing, and operational work; therefore, time management is crucial for our department and the people at AMPECO. Each of the most experienced people in the organization is skilled in planning and making time for ad-hoc work. No one can count on being able to fill their day with just a plan, so you must always be ready to switch to the dynamics. 

What would you tell a friend who is considering working in AMPECO?

It’s certainly not for everybody here because everyone at AMPECO is like clockwork without a single redundant mechanism. Our success is significant to each of us and depends on everyone. 

What’s your advice for someone wanting to join our team?

I would recommend it to anyone, and why wouldn’t I? It wouldn’t be fair to feel that good here and not recommend it widely with an open heart.

Things are happening fast at AMPECO, and we are evolving constantly.

This is your place if you want to develop professionally and personally in parallel with the company’s constant evolution. The EV charging industry is new and offers a unique opportunity to enter the future for everyone ambitious and eager to learn fast. 

Describe AMPECO in 3 words. 

Passion, individuality, and future—that’s what AMPECO is all about.

The company’s most inspiring people possess these assets. Their passion is visible everywhere they go and in all their projects—you just have to see it yourself. 

Inspired by our Life at AMPECO stories?

We are always on the lookout for top talents along our journey to build the software platform that enables the EV charging of tomorrow.

Join us in building the sustainable electric future of mobility.


Dimitar Atanasov

Brand & Communications Manager

About the author

Dimitar is an expert at crafting initiatives that drive brand awareness, nurture partner relationships, and establish organizations as trusted industry leaders.