It’s a new day and a new chapter in our Life at AMPECO series.

Following our previous topic, we are meeting you again today with a Client Services department team member. This time, we are turning the page to the hardware side of the story by talking with Gavril Lukanov, the Hardware Integration team leader. 

Meet Gavril Lukanov - Following our previous topic, we are meeting you again today with a Client Services department team member. This time, we are turning the page to the hardware side of the story by talking with Gavril Lukanov, the Hardware Integration team leader. 

Gavril, or as we call him, Garo, is passionate about all things car-related. Thus, being part of the development of the EV charging industry is one of his biggest motivators for joining AMPECO.

In addition to his work, he enjoys photography, sports, mountain biking, playing board games, and traveling with his family. With a love for technology and innovation, it’s no surprise that he has been with AMPECO for almost three years. 

We’re excited to delve into his experiences at AMPECO and learn how the company contributes to his personal and professional growth.

What path led you to AMPECO?

After I graduated, my professional path led me to a startup working with hardware with a similar structure to the EV chargers we work with at AMPECO. I was the company’s first tech support and QA person back then, assisting with the product, sales, and various support levels. Additionally, I was the official trainer at the company, and all of these complex qualities I had back then matched the open position at AMPECO. Therefore, I decided to embrace the challenge.  

At that time, I had another job offer. What convinced me to join AMPECO was the dynamic work environment I learned about from a friend who works there. I prefer facing diverse challenges at work rather than doing the same thing repeatedly. AMPECO offers me the opportunity to take on multiple roles simultaneously, which keeps things exciting and helps me feel professionally fulfilled. 

Meet Gavril Lukanov - Following our previous topic, we are meeting you again today with a Client Services department team member. This time, we are turning the page to the hardware side of the story by talking with Gavril Lukanov, the Hardware Integration team leader. 

What’s the thing about your role that ignites your power?

When I first joined AMPECO, there was an open position that matched my knowledge and skills. We improvised and adapted to determine what the company would need in the future and how our team could contribute to its growth. We worked on a critical project that allowed us to create processes for the hardware team to support the customer success department better. At that time, our primary focus was on integration tests. Three years later, consultancy became an essential part of our work.

What makes me feel empowered is the continuous feedback and advice we give and receive from each other.

At AMPECO, we have a unique culture that values feedback. We regularly inquire about employees’ development preferences, career aspirations, likes, and dislikes. We use this information to help employees grow within the company. At AMPECO, we care about our employees as individuals with professional and personal development goals, not just job descriptions. Even if an employee’s performance could be stronger than aimed, we always consider whether there has been a real improvement.

What does your typical workday look like?

A typical workday in our team involves many things: integration tests, “playing” with real EVs and EV charging stations, second-level support, consulting potential and current customers, testing mobile applications, testing and onboarding payment terminals over APIs, testing smart electricity meters, overviewing and testing all-new and existing platform features and assets and how they connect with CPOs and our partners. We have become a dynamic department.

Our many daily meetings connect them all—consulting customers and partners, troubleshooting (for customers, manufacturers, or internally), integration tests, etc. We communicate extensively with people while also focusing on operational tasks.

Meet Gavril Lukanov - Following our previous topic, we are meeting you again today with a Client Services department team member. This time, we are turning the page to the hardware side of the story by talking with Gavril Lukanov, the Hardware Integration team leader. 

What experience is needed to be part of the Hardware Intergrations team in one of the world’s leading EV charging software companies? 

The most significant thing is a person’s character. At AMPECO, you will find open-minded and friendly people. There is quite a lot of cross-team collaboration, so it is essential to fit in. 

Therefore, we look for individuals with well-developed soft skills and accessible and predisposing communication skills. Our team has many consultations, and it’s essential to put yourself in the shoes of various people. Sometimes, these people could represent significant prospects, and what you say and how you say it is important.

However, we also need people with tech knowledge because troubleshooting at a high level is also a crucial part of our day-to-day life at AMPECO. Our team handles most of the complex and challenging hardware cases. Experience with hardware manual QA and API is advantageous as it provides a solid foundation for this role.

Coming from an area with similar infrastructure and logic could equip you with the mindset to understand a product like AMPECO’s platform. When you join us, you will already understand the processes and procedures. You just need to familiarize yourself with the specific features and attributes of the product, which is typical for any role, regardless of the department.

How does your journey at AMPECO contribute to your personal and professional growth? 

Everyone at AMPECO is an exciting individual on their own, and you can learn from everyone personally and professionally. 

One of my favorite things about being a team leader is the daily opportunities to develop your weak traits and apply what you’ve learned in your life outside of the company. As a team lead, I get a different perspective on how people work, and I’ve learned how to give others more air and time to be the best version of themselves. This has helped me not only to be a better leader but also to be a better person in my social life. 

There is not a single day when I sit in one place. I’ve been broadening my skills since day one, which is essential for a personality like mine. My career and personal development have been going hand in hand due to the ongoing feedback I get, and that’s amazing. 

Meet Gavril Lukanov - Following our previous topic, we are meeting you again today with a Client Services department team member. This time, we are turning the page to the hardware side of the story by talking with Gavril Lukanov, the Hardware Integration team leader. 

What’s one thing you do that is important to you?

Most of the work I do at AMPECO is valuable to me. I am continuously expanding my managerial skills, which is crucial for my professional growth. However, receiving ongoing feedback from my colleagues is essential. It not only impacts my work but is also necessary for progress.

What do you like the most about your team and the people here?

The founders and all other employees live the company’s mission every day, and everyone is oriented towards scaling up. The people at AMPECO are dynamic, friendly, open-minded, and value their freedom. As said before, we value constructive feedback because it keeps us getting better and better, which is extremely important in a fast-developing industry like ours. 

Meet Gavril Lukanov - Following our previous topic, we are meeting you again today with a Client Services department team member. This time, we are turning the page to the hardware side of the story by talking with Gavril Lukanov, the Hardware Integration team leader. 

Describe AMPECO in 3 words. 

Dynamic, complexity, and open-mindedness. 

The dynamic nature of our work reflects the speed at which each team operates and the pace at which the company grows. Complexity is intrinsic to our products, which offer a wide range of assets to our customers and the rapidly evolving industry itself, providing abundant learning opportunities for everyone. Open-mindedness characterizes our company culture, where we are always ready to support each other, and nobody hesitates to offer help. We also value giving and receiving feedback, celebrating successes and best practices, and respecting the individuality of each team member.

What would you tell a friend who was considering working in AMPECO?

AMPECO is a unique place. The company is quite diverse, and we all work together as a team to deliver quality results. We are accountable and always have an “own-it” mindset to get things done. Working here is rewarding because you can see the results of your hard work, and others are grateful for it.

What’s your advice for someone wanting to join our team?

Prepare yourself for an exciting journey.

We’re looking for top talent to join the AMPECO dream team and further support the development of our EV charging management platform.

Join us in building the sustainable, electric future of mobility.


Dimitar Atanasov

Brand & Communications Manager

About the author

Dimitar is an expert at crafting initiatives that drive brand awareness, nurture partner relationships, and establish organizations as trusted industry leaders.