What does AFIR mean for Europe’s EV charging? - In the early hours this Tuesday, 28 March 2023, the EU agreed on the final text for its landmark regulation on EV charging - the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation, or AFIR. This law lays the foundation for building a comprehensive network of EV charging stations across the main European roads. The agreement cleared the way for the approval by EU ministers of the long-debated 2035 phaseout of CO2 emitting cars, which followed immediately after the decision on AFIR.

In the early hours this Tuesday, 28 March 2023, the EU agreed on the final text for its landmark regulation on EV charging – the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation, or AFIR. This law lays the foundation for building a comprehensive network of EV charging stations across the main European roads. The agreement cleared the way for the approval by EU ministers of the long-debated 2035 phaseout of CO2 emitting cars, which followed immediately after the decision on AFIR.

We are still waiting for the final text to pass legal review and will make sure to share more updates here. 

What does AFIR mean for Europe’s EV charging

In the meantime, these are some key elements of the AFIR regulation:

  • Fast charging every 60 km on Europe’s main roads from 2025 onwards. This translates to a 400 kW site capacity (increasing to 600 kW by 2028) on the core TEN-T network, and 150 kW per charger site on the TEN-T comprehensive network. Easily one of the biggest wins for improving the experience of long-distance EV driving.
  • Improved public charging for trucks & buses. Starting in 2025, drivers will benefit from guaranteed 350 kW every 60 km on the TEN-T core network, and every 100 km on the TEN-T comprehensive network. The aim is to work towards complete coverage by 2030 when e-trucks will become ubiquitous due to their decreasing TCO.
  • Contactless card payment options available for more convenient ad-hoc charging
  • Transparent and comparable pricing per kWh
  • Establishment of reporting criteria towards National Access Points, including information on availability and accessibility. The defined attributes will be largely reported via OCPI.
  • Requirements on real-time data provision from 2027 onwards

Technical requirements for interoperability will be ensured through so-called “delegated acts” – an instrument used by the EU institutions to put in place industry-specific standards. These will help the integration of EV chargers in the power system and also make it seamless for drivers to charge anywhere.

Through its industry memberships, AMPECO was perhaps the only CPMS provider that met directly with policymakers during the last months of trialogue negotiations. We contributed to the amendments in the final text with the aim of ensuring the most efficient operations for our current and future partners. 

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At AMPECO, we are fully committed to enabling the rapid growth of the European charging network by providing a state-of-the-art platform for seamless customer experience. In the context of AFIR, this includes:

AFIR will lead a strong push for customer-centric EV charging infrastructure. Once having entered into force, the text will be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in EU member states without the need for national implementing legislation. A good day for the European single market for EV charging.

The Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) is part of the Fit for 55 package. Presented by the European Commission on 14 July 2021, the package aims to enable the EU to reduce its net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels and to achieve climate neutrality in 2050.

Read the European Commission press release on the AFIR deal

Talk with an expert from AMPECO to learn what AFIR means for your EV charging business


Petar Georgiev

Head of Strategic Alliances & Sustainability

About the author

Petar is at the forefront of pioneering the green energy transition, driving progress through strategic partnerships and innovative e-mobility solutions.