
Contract partnership with flexibility aggregators

Demand response can be introduced through providing residential, commercial or industrial consumers with control signals and/or financial incentives to adjust their consumption at strategic times. This might present an opportunity or a requirement for Charge Point Operators to integrate with Distribution System Operators (DSOs), flexibility marketplaces or Demand-Response (DR) systems.

About hFlex

hFlex provides the capability of accessing historical and forecast data for the flexibility assets on the AMPECO platform. The platform receives activation requests from third-party systems via AMPECO public API, and applies schedules with power or energy limits. 

AMPECO & hFlex

By using AMPECO’s hFlex, Charge Point Operators can achieve the following:

  • Grid load balancing required by local regulations.
  • Monetize their available flexibility at the flexibility markets. 

This is achieved by creating flexibility assets for your EVSEs, Charge Points, or Circuits. The AMPECO platform receives demand-response signals from third-party systems to create schedules and adjust energy consumption.

Each flexibility asset is defined by an upward and downward regulation limit (W), which shows the available regulation (energy) potential.

The integration provides access to:  

Historical time series – shows historically what was the energy consumption for a certain flexibility asset

Forecast time series – forecasted upward and downward regulation potential (Wh) for a certain flexibility asset. 

Flexibility activation request – an action applied to a specific Flexibility Asset by third parties (DSO or a flexibility aggregator). The Flexibility Activation Request consists of a target and/or a limit for Max Power and Energy. The request could consist of one or many time periods with specified Max Power and / or Energy. 

Schedule—the charging profile for a certain Flexibility Asset, which consists of charging periods with a specified power limit or/and energy target. Each charging period added to the schedule sets a soft charging limit for the flexibility asset. The hard charging limit is preset by the settings of the EVSE / Charge Point or DLM.