In the landscape of environmental progress, initiatives like the Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program For Bay Area and Tehama County Carl Moyer and Farmer Program are emerging as a catalyst for advancing EV charging infrastructure. Spearheaded by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), this voluntary program is on a mission to curtail emissions by funding the replacement of diesel, alternative-fueled, and zero-emission engines, vehicles, and equipment. At the forefront of this movement, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s Carl Moyer Program addresses emissions and facilitates EV charging station installation. Let’s delve into the overarching impact of the program, with a particular focus on its initiatives related to EV charging infrastructure.

Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program For Bay Area

For those eager to participate in the Carl Moyer Program and contribute to emissions reduction, the initial step involves visiting the « Apply for Funding » page on the BAAQMD website. This resource hub provides comprehensive information and access to application forms. It’s crucial to emphasize that complete applications are evaluated on a first-come, first-served basis. Given the finite nature of program funds, a swift response is paramount. The program accepts applications until the budget is exhausted, underscoring the importance of early submissions.

Eligible Project Types

The Carl Moyer Program’s versatility is evident in its coverage of a diverse array of project types, ensuring a holistic approach to emissions reduction. Eligible projects include:

  • Equipment & vehicle replacement: Addressing the need to replace older, high-emission equipment and vehicles with cleaner alternatives.
  • Engine replacement (repower): Supporting projects requiring the replacement of engines with cleaner, more efficient options.
  • Power system conversion: Providing funding for projects that convert power systems to cleaner alternatives.
  • Engine retrofit: Offering support for retrofitting engines to meet more stringent emission standards.
  • Battery charging & alternative fueling infrastructure: Promoting the growth of zero-emission vehicles by funding charging infrastructure.

Within these project types, the program encompasses various categories, ensuring a broad impact on emissions reduction. Project categories include Agricultural Equipment, Off-Road Equipment, Locomotives, Marine Vessels and Equipment, Public School Buses, Heavy-Duty Trucks and Transit Buses, and Infrastructure. This breadth allows for a nuanced and targeted approach to emissions reduction across multiple sectors.

Key Eligibility Criteria

To ensure the program’s efficacy and impactful contributions, specific eligibility criteria must be met:

  • Existing equipment must be operational.
  • Both existing and replacement equipment must operate within the BAAQMD’s jurisdiction.
  • Applicants must provide detailed documentation, including usage records, ownership information, estimated project costs, and engine emissions certification.
  • With limited exceptions, emission reductions must be voluntary and not used to meet compliance requirements before the grant contract term’s completion.
  • Applicants must refrain from making binding financial commitments or orders before grant contract execution.
  • Old vehicles, engines, and equipment must be scrapped and destroyed.
  • In some circumstances, co-funding is possible.
  • Applicants must demonstrate current compliance with all applicable regulations.

Guidance and Compliance

For those navigating California Air Resources Board (CARB) regulations and compliance concerns, seeking guidance from CARB staff at 1-800-242-4450 or [email protected] is advisable. This ensures a smoother application process and compliance with regulatory intricacies.

Tehama County is on the verge of a transformative leap towards cleaner air, and you can be a crucial part of this positive change. The Carl Moyer Program, now entering its 25th year, and the FARMER Program, in its 5th year, are offering grant funding to eligible projects dedicated to reducing emissions and fostering a healthier environment in our community. Here’s an in-depth guide to help you navigate these programs and harness their potential for a cleaner Tehama County.

Tehama County Carl Moyer and Farmer Program

Unlike rebate programs, the Carl Moyer and FARMER Programs are robust initiatives strategically crafted to incentivize projects aimed at curbing air pollution from mobile sources. These programs provide grant funding for qualifying projects within Tehama County. To access funding, applicants must secure approval and a signed contract from the Air District before purchasing or installing any eligible equipment. It’s crucial to note that equipment purchased or installed before contract execution is not eligible for funding.

Diverse Eligible Projects for Cleaner Air

The scope of eligible projects under these programs is broad, encompassing various categories geared towards emission reduction and air quality improvement. Some of the noteworthy project categories include:

1. Agricultural diesel engine projects: Covering a spectrum of equipment such as tractors, forklifts, balers, and agricultural pumps.

2. On and off-road diesel projects: Encompassing initiatives related to filters and replacements for diesel-powered vehicles and equipment.

3. Infrastructure: Providing funding avenues for the installation of fueling or energy infrastructure supporting eligible sources.

4. Zero-emission UTV replacement: The FARMER Program introduces an innovative opportunity to replace traditional agricultural Utility Task Vehicles (UTVs) with zero-emission counterparts.

If your project aligns with any of these categories and contributes to the promotion of cleaner air in Tehama County, you may qualify for substantial funding support.

Navigating the Application Process

Embarking on your journey to cleaner air is a systematic process. Here’s how you can initiate and streamline your application:

Step 1: Read and understand program requirements
Begin by acquainting yourself with the nuances of the program through the Application Cover Letter.

Step 2: Complete the application form
Navigate the application landscape by completing the Carl Moyer Year 25/FARMER Year 5 Application form.

Step 3: Assemble required documentation
Ensure all necessary documentation, including the Payee Data Record, is meticulously prepared.

Step 4: Submit Your Application
Seize the opportunity by submitting your comprehensive application before the October 31, 2023 deadline. This window is your chance to secure funding that benefits your project and contributes to a healthier environment in Tehama County.

With its strategic initiatives, the Carl Moyer Program exemplifies the power of proactive environmental efforts in advancing electric mobility. The program contributes significantly to creating a cleaner, healthier future by incentivizing projects dedicated to EV charging infrastructure. As these programs evolve, their impact on electric mobility is poised to resonate far beyond their immediate locales. 


Ivelina Kadiri

Policy Compliance Manager

About the author

Ivelina is a trend-seeking policy compliance manager who skillfully navigates complex regulatory landscapes and bridges the gap between sustainable transportation goals and actionable implementation.