Last updated: August 7, 2024

As the world races toward a sustainable future, EVs have become a pivotal solution to combat climate change and reduce our carbon footprint. Across the United States, various states are implementing initiatives to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles, and Arizona is no exception. We’ll delve into three enticing EV charging incentives available in the Heart of Dixie, demonstrating the state’s commitment to fostering a greener transportation landscape.

Arizona’s NEVI program funding 2024

The Request for Proposal (RFP), issued under the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program, aligns with federal efforts to catalyze the deployment of publicly accessible EV chargers nationwide. Eligible entities, including companies, joint ventures, and consortia, are invited to submit detailed proposals by the deadline of April 19, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time. Through this program, Arizona stands poised to receive substantial funding of approximately $27,600,000 for the Federal Fiscal Year 2022-2023, supporting the expansion of EV infrastructure along key interstate corridors and Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFCs). The solicitation emphasizes adherence to federal regulations and FHWA guidelines, ensuring that all proposed projects meet NEVI Federal Standards and Requirements. With the deployment plan approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), ADOT has meticulously outlined project goals aimed at reducing range anxiety, promoting resilience and accessibility, and engaging stakeholders in the planning and development process. As Arizona paves the way for a cleaner transportation future, prospective Proposers are encouraged to leverage this opportunity to contribute to the state’s sustainable growth.

Salt River project’s networked EV charging port incentives

The Salt River Project (SRP) has introduced a groundbreaking incentive that’s set to revolutionize the EV charging infrastructure in Arizona. Businesses, government entities, non-profit organizations, multifamily complexes, and schools are all eligible to participate in this program. The offer is simple but remarkable: for each networked EV charging port installed, businesses can reap a reward of $1,500. However, for certain qualified customers such as government bodies, non-profits, multifamily housing units, and schools, the reward skyrockets to a $4,000 per port.

What’s even more exciting is SRP’s unwavering commitment to promoting electric vehicle adoption. Businesses and entities installing networked DC Fast Charger ports are in for an even more substantial incentive. The reward here escalates to an incredible $15,000 per port for businesses and $20,000 per port for government, non-profit, multifamily, and school customers.

The versatility of these incentives is a highlight. Whether you’re a commercial enterprise, a non-profit organization, or a public institution, SRP’s program opens the doors to a sustainable future while bolstering your financial outlook.

SRP Fleet advisory services

For businesses that rely heavily on fleets, the transition to electric vehicles can be a game-changer. The SRP Fleet Advisory Services ease this transition by offering a substantial reward. Businesses looking to convert their fleets to electric can tap into SRP’s expertise and financial support. Completing a study to convert your fleet to electric can earn you up to $20,000, enabling you to make informed decisions about electrifying your fleet.

This incentive reflects SRP’s comprehensive approach to sustainability. By supporting businesses in adopting electric fleet solutions, SRP not only contributes to a cleaner environment but also assists companies in reducing operational costs and enhancing their corporate social responsibility efforts.

Tucson Electric Power’s Smart EV charging program

Tucson Electric Power (TEP) is taking Arizona’s EV charging infrastructure to the next level with their Smart EV Charging Program. Through this program, TEP offers substantial rebates and technical support to commercial customers, including businesses, multi-family complexes, municipal fleets, and nonprofits, encouraging them to install EV charging ports at their locations.

The TEP Smart EV Charging Program aims to:

  1. Expand EV charging infrastructure: addressing concerns of insufficient infrastructure.
  2. Promote efficient grid use: ensuring optimal energy distribution and usage.
  3. Ensure equitable distribution: facilitating even geographic spread of EV chargers across TEP’s service territory.
  4. Support sustainable investments: encouraging prudent investments in transportation electrification.

To participate, customers must be within TEP’s service territory and purchase and install a minimum of two Level 2 or DC fast charging ports. Projects with more than six ports will undergo individual evaluation. Participants must also agree to a Site Access Agreement and a Site Host Agreement, use TEP-approved charging equipment, employ qualified contractors, and switch to a TEP time-of-use pricing plan.

TEP offers rebates to offset project costs, including EV charging stations, electrical upgrades, design, engineering, construction, and service agreements. The rebate amounts vary based on charger type, site type, and project location. For example:

  • Level 2 chargers at workplaces: Up to $4,000 per port.
  • Level 2 chargers at multi-family or nonprofit sites: Up to $5,400 per port.
  • DC fast chargers: Up to $20,500 per port.

Higher rebates are available for disadvantaged community projects, reflecting TEP’s commitment to equitable access to EV infrastructure.

The application process for the TEP Smart EV Charging Program is straightforward. First, ensure your project meets TEP’s initial eligibility requirements. Then, TEP conducts a site visit to confirm eligibility and scope. Customers will receive a tailored rebate proposal, which must be signed within 30 days to reserve the rebate. Next, install the chargers using qualified vendors approved by TEP. Finally, submit the necessary final documentation to TEP to claim your rebate. This process ensures efficient navigation through the program, allowing customers to benefit from TEP’s financial incentives.

Final thoughts

As Arizona steers toward a sustainable future, these three EV charging incentives underscore the state’s commitment to fostering a greener transportation landscape. From SRP’s innovative networked EV charging port incentives to TEP’s Smart EV Charging Program, businesses, government entities, nonprofits, and multi-family complexes have access to substantial rewards for embracing electric vehicles. These incentives not only promise financial benefits but also contribute to reducing carbon emissions and enhancing environmental resilience. With Arizona’s NEVI Program funding 2024 catalyzing the deployment of EV infrastructure, businesses and organizations have a unique opportunity to lead the charge toward a cleaner, more sustainable future.


Ivelina Kadiri

Policy Compliance Manager

About the author

Ivelina is a trend-seeking policy compliance manager who skillfully navigates complex regulatory landscapes and bridges the gap between sustainable transportation goals and actionable implementation.