Last updated: April 11, 2024

As electric vehicles (EVs) continue to revolutionize the transportation industry, North Carolina is encouraging EV adoption through innovative incentives and programs. Whether you’re a business owner looking to install charging stations or a state agency seeking to boost EV infrastructure, North Carolina offers a range of opportunities to get involved in the electric revolution.

NEVI Round 1 Requests for Proposals Now Open

NEVI Round 1 Request for Proposal, or RFP, is now open. Round 1 will provide funding for 11 of the 39 identified charging stations as discussed in NCDOT’s NEVI Plan. The RFP will close at 5 p.m. on June 10, 2024. For more information, see NC DoT dedicated website.

North Carolina’s GIS Map for EV Charging Locations

The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) has unveiled a GIS-based map showcasing proposed locations for electric vehicle charging stations under Round 1 of the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program. This program, a part of a broader national initiative, is set to significantly enhance the state’s EV charging infrastructure. Drawing on existing NEVI-compliant EV charging stations’ locations within the state, NCDOT aims to create a well-connected and efficient network to support the growing demand for electric mobility.

The release of this map precedes the issuance of the Request for Proposal (RFP) to allow prospective applicants sufficient time for planning. NCDOT recognizes the importance of thoughtful site selection in the success of the NEVI Program, and this proactive step aligns with the state’s commitment to fostering sustainable transportation.

Here are some key details about the GIS map and the NEVI Program in North Carolina. Each location on the GIS map represents a « cluster » of one or more exits along the alternative fuel corridors (AFCs) that meet NEVI’s 50-mile spacing requirement. This meticulous planning ensures optimal coverage and accessibility along major routes.

Round 1 of the NEVI Program in North Carolina is set to provide funding for eleven charging stations. Within each cluster, there will be one charging station strategically positioned to cater to the evolving needs of EV users. Proposed charging stations must be sited within designated clusters and located within 1-mile of the exit. The GIS map provides detailed calculations and visual representation of these critical distances, ensuring precision in site selection.

To further enrich the planning process, the GIS map includes layers highlighting disadvantaged communities and 100-year flood plains. This comprehensive information assists applicants in making informed decisions and aligning with environmental considerations.

In addition to the GIS map, NCDOT has thoughtfully included resources to aid in the planning process. These include a list of exit numbers and crossroads for each cluster, a Utility Data Request Form for contacting electric utilities, and tools like the U.S. Department of Energy’s Alternative Fueling Station Locator and the NEVI Utility Finder.

2023 Mobile Source Emissions Reduction Grant 

The state’s Division of Air Quality has recently announced a robust grant program, making approximately $1,118,000 available for projects dedicated to combatting air pollution stemming from diesel-powered mobile sources.

The Mobile Sources Emissions Reduction Grant Program, administered by the Division of Air Quality, aims to significantly reduce diesel emissions, including nitrogen oxides (NOx) and greenhouse gases. The program supports a variety of projects, including repowering on-road and nonroad equipment, replacing old vehicles with cleaner alternatives, converting vehicles to run on alternative fuels, and expanding electric vehicle usage.

Whether you’re a private business or a public entity with a physical presence in North Carolina, you are eligible to apply. The program’s funding, derived from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) program, can also be supplemented with North Carolina Volkswagen Mitigation Trust funds.

Application period is closing on February 2, 2024. For more information, please check the official grant program’s Request for Proposal guidance.

To guide potential applicants, the program has organized two webinars. The RFP Overview Webinar is scheduled for December 1, 2023, offering insights into the program’s purpose, entity and project eligibility, cost-shares, application requirements, and project selection criteria. Another webinar, « How to Apply », is set for January 10, 2024, providing step-by-step instructions for filling in the application, uploading documents, and submitting it through the DAQ Grant Management System. This session will also cover the prerequisites needed for application and touch on the reimbursement process post-project completion. It’s an excellent opportunity for stakeholders and applicants to engage, clarify doubts, and ensure a smooth application process.

Duke Energy North Carolina’s Commercial Charger Prep Credit

Businesses across North Carolina can now benefit from Duke Energy’s Commercial Charger Prep Credit. This forward-thinking program provides a one-time credit to assist business customers in covering the costs associated with preparing their site for EV chargers. Eligible upgrades include essential electrical work and infrastructure enhancements needed to support Level 2 or higher EV chargers.

This credit isn’t limited to a specific type of business; it’s available for workplaces, businesses, multifamily dwellings, transit stations, and even schools. However, it’s important to note that this incentive does not cover the permitting process, the actual installation of EV chargers, or the cost of the charging equipment itself. With no fixed deadline in place, businesses can take advantage of this incentive at their convenience, making it easier than ever to join the clean energy revolution

Greenville Utilities’ EV Charging Rebate Pilot Program

For homeowners in North Carolina, the Greenville Utilities Board of Commissioners has introduced an exciting pilot program. This initiative offers rebates to customers who decide to install electric vehicle charging stations on their properties. If approved, homeowners can receive rebates of up to $1,500 for installing either single or dual-port charging stations.

This program is an excellent opportunity for North Carolinians to take a step toward a greener future while enjoying financial incentives. Plus, with no specified deadline, homeowners have the flexibility to plan their EV charging station installations at their own pace.

North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s ZEV Charging Infrastructure Program

State agencies and attractions such as parks in North Carolina have a unique opportunity to contribute to the growth of EV infrastructure. The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) has launched the State Agency Level 2 ZEV Charging Infrastructure Program, offering an impressive $739,839 in funding specifically for Level 2 chargers.

Projects approved under this program will be funded based on accessibility, with the potential for up to 100% of total project costs to be covered for publicly accessible, networked chargers. This program aims to enhance EV charging accessibility throughout the state, making EVs a more practical and convenient choice for all North Carolinians. However, please keep in mind that the deadline for applications is approaching, with submissions accepted until September 1, 2023.

North Carolina is committed to supporting the transition to electric vehicles by offering a variety of incentives and programs. By taking advantage of these opportunities, you can play a crucial role in driving North Carolina towards a greener, more sustainable future.


Ivelina Kadiri

Policy Compliance Manager

About the author

Ivelina is a trend-seeking policy compliance manager who skillfully navigates complex regulatory landscapes and bridges the gap between sustainable transportation goals and actionable implementation.