Last updated July 17, 2024

In the picturesque landscape of Colorado, a revolutionary wave of sustainability is reshaping transportation norms. As the world embraces electric vehicles as a pivotal solution to reduce emissions, the Centennial State is leading the charge with a slew of exciting EV charging incentives. Let’s explore the incentives that are driving Colorado’s electric evolution and making a lasting impact on the environment.

1. Charge Ahead Colorado Program

Colorado’s Charge Ahead Colorado program is making EV charging more accessible than ever. This initiative offers financial support for EV charging stations, covering an impressive 80% of the station’s cost. A Level 2 Dual Port Station could receive up to $9,000, while a Level 3 Multiple Connection Standard Station might be eligible for up to $50,000. With three application rounds annually in January, May, and October, this program ensures a consistent opportunity for stakeholders to embrace sustainable transportation solutions. The October round is open for applications until October 13th, 2023.

2. Expanding Electric Vehicle Charging: Colorado’s DCFC Plazas Program

The DCFC Plazas program is fueled by the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program and the Community Access Enterprise (CAE). It aims to boost access to high-speed EV charging in communities and along Colorado’s highways.

Funding for Statewide Projects

Funding through the DCFC Plazas program is open to corridor and community-based projects across the state. The goal? To strategically deploy high-speed charging infrastructure that caters to Coloradans who might not have regular access to home or workplace charging. Whether you’re on a road trip through Colorado’s stunning landscapes or just need a quick top-up in town, these plazas will have you covered.

Strategic Charging Station Placement

One key factor in the DCFC Plazas program is the careful consideration of where these charging stations will be located. To ensure the most efficient and convenient charging experience, the program takes into account the proximity of existing and planned DCFC locations. This means you won’t have to worry about being far from a charging station, no matter where your Colorado journey takes you.

Preparing for the Future

This program offers incentives to make EV charging more accessible to Coloradans, but it’s not just about funding. It’s about preparing for the future of transportation, reducing emissions, and embracing the many benefits of electric vehicles. The application window for the 2024 round will be open from July 29, 2024 to September 20, 2024. Please visit the DCFC Plazas program webpage for more information.

3. Colorado’s Fleet-ZERO Grant Program

Colorado’s Fleet-ZERO Grant program aims to revolutionise fleets, spanning light, medium, and heavy-duty vehicles, by facilitating their transition to electric power. Recognizing the disproportionate impact of fleet emissions on both public health and the environment, particularly in communities situated near major roadways and facilities, the program addresses air quality improvement and cost savings for fleet owners and operators.

Key aspects of this program include the upcoming standard application round commencing on October 16, 2023, and closing on December 1, 2023. It’s accompanied by a rolling application available year-round for Qualifying Entities with funding requests of $50,000 or less. Fleet-ZERO encourages various entities, including fleet operators and charging service providers, to participate. The program also provides incentives and funding according to charger power levels and vehicle class eligibility, promoting the electrification of fleets. 

To learn more about this transformative program and its sustainable transport vision, contact Matt Lerman, Infrastructure Program Manager at [email protected]. For additional information, visit the Colorado Energy Office website.

4. The EV Readiness Planning Grants

The Polis Administration’s Roadmap to 100% Renewable Energy by 2040 recognizes that the local authorities play a crucial role in driving down emissions and promoting clean energy. This roadmap has an ambitious target: to see 940,000 electric vehicles (EVs) cruising along Colorado’s roads by 2030. 

The state actively encourages local governments to lead by example and invest in EV planning, especially in rural areas. But the benefits go beyond the environment. These EV readiness plans promise economic gains for local communities. They provide new revenue opportunities and significant savings on fuel and maintenance costs, making life better for community members.

Here’s how it works: The Community Access Enterprise (CAE), working hand in hand with the Colorado Energy Office (CEO), is offering a competitive grant. It’s a chance for local, county, and Tribal governments, as well as their regional partners, to create comprehensive EV readiness plans. These plans set the stage for communities to shape a common vision for EV readiness, build vital partnerships, and outline practical strategies. The goal is to prepare and inspire communities to embrace electric vehicles.

Applications are being accepted until December 15, 2023. For more information, please visit the CEO website.

5. Black Hills Energy’s Commercial EV Charging Rebate

Colorado’s commitment to a cleaner future is evident in Black Hills Energy’s commercial EV charging rebate. For businesses looking to join the EV revolution, this incentive offers an impressive opportunity. By installing Level 2 charging stations, businesses can receive up to $2,000 per port. Government and Non-Profit sites, crucial players in sustainability, may enjoy an even higher incentive of up to $3,000 per port. This initiative underscores Colorado’s dedication to supporting businesses in transitioning to a greener transportation paradigm.

6. Colorado Springs Utilities Custom Energy Rebate Program

The electric evolution continues with Colorado Springs Utilities’ Custom Energy Rebate Program. This program extends its support to commercial customers, offering rebates to offset hardware and installation costs of EV chargers. Workplace, opportunity, and fleet charging are incentivized with rebates of up to $1,200 per port for Level 2 charging stations. Multi-unit dwelling residential charging is also in the spotlight, with rebates of up to $1,600 per port. The program’s comprehensive approach doesn’t stop there; rebates of up to $12,000 per active port are available for Direct Current Fast Chargers (DCFC), also known as Level 3 chargers.

7. Promoting Public Charging: Poudre Valley REA’s EV Charging Rebates

Poudre Valley REA (PVREA) is lighting the path towards public EV charging. With a 50% rebate on equipment costs, up to $500, and an additional 50% rebate on installation expenses, up to $500, PVREA is fostering an environment where public charging is not just encouraged but celebrated. To qualify, the charger must have the capability to record session data and be available to PVREA upon request, ensuring transparency and accountability.

8. Illuminating the Fleet Future: Xcel Energy’s EV Fleet Incentives

Fleet operators are playing a crucial role in Colorado’s EV transition, and Xcel Energy’s EV Critical Peak Pricing offers a helping hand. By primarily charging their EVs between 9pm and Noon and avoiding critical peak events, fleet operators can unlock significant savings. This incentive not only benefits fleet owners but also contributes to energy conservation during peak demand periods.

9. Pioneering a Greener Landscape: Xcel Energy’s Comprehensive Offerings

Xcel Energy Colorado is making waves with a comprehensive set of EV charging incentives. Ranging from $800 to $45,000, these rebates are available to commercial, municipal, and community-focused properties that install Level 2 and DCFC EV charging stations. Beyond rebates, Xcel Energy is offering lower cost/off-peak pricing, reduced energy charges, and even Xcel-owned EVSE install/maintenance at no cost. The program’s inclusivity spans residential, public, commercial, and workplace sectors, illuminating Colorado’s diverse energy landscape.

10. Shaping the School Bus of Tomorrow: Xcel Energy’s Electric School Bus Rebate

Xcel Energy’s commitment to a cleaner future extends to the realm of education with the Electric School Bus Rebate. School districts can earn up to a remarkable $275,000 rebate to offset the costs of acquiring qualifying electric school buses and the necessary EV infrastructure. By electrifying school bus fleets, Colorado is not just fostering sustainable transportation but also nurturing the next generation’s eco-conscious mindset.

Colorado’s journey toward a cleaner tomorrow

Colorado’s commitment to a greener future is undeniable, evident in the array of EV charging incentives across the state. From businesses to public entities and fleets, stakeholders across sectors are being empowered to embrace sustainable transportation options. These incentives aren’t just about financial rewards; they’re about shaping a brighter, cleaner, and more sustainable future for all Coloradans. As the state charges ahead into a new era of transportation, the Centennial State’s dedication to environmental stewardship serves as a powerful inspiration for the nation and the world.


Ivelina Kadiri

Policy Compliance Manager

About the author

Ivelina is a trend-seeking policy compliance manager who skillfully navigates complex regulatory landscapes and bridges the gap between sustainable transportation goals and actionable implementation.