Bornes prises en charge par AMPECO

AMPECO s’associe aux fabricants de matériel les plus fiables de l’industrie. Découvrez notre liste de bornes conformes à l’OCPP et filtrez par marque, modèle, type et puissance.

Bornes prises en charge par AMPECO<br>

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Manufacturer Image Model Type Connectors Power Ranges (max KW) Protocol ISO15118 Integrated Payment Terminals Market Compatibility OCPP Security TLS Eichrecht Autocharge Plug'n'charge OCPP Implementation Smart Charging
ABB HPC/HVC 360 DC CCS2 / CHAdeMO >60kW 1.6J Full / Limited Supported / Not Supported
ABB Terra 53/54 DC Type 2 40-60kW 1.6J
ABB Terra AC AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
ABB Terra 184 DC CCS1 / CCS2 / CHAdeMO >60kW 1.6J
ABB Terra 360 DC CCS1 / CCS2 / CHAdeMO >60kW 1.6J
ABL Wallbox eM4 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
ABL Wallbox eMH1 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
ABL Wallbox eMH2 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
ABL Wallbox eMH3 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
ABL Charging pole eMC2 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
ABL Charging pole eMC3 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
ADS Tec Charge Post 300kW DC DC CCS2 >60kW 1.6J
AE Electronics AE-D-120-D DC CCS2 >60kW 1.6J
aixACCT SmartChargerGen3 AC 1.6J and 2.0.1
Alfen NG910-60023 AC Type 2 1.6J and 2.0.1
Alfen NG920-61001 AC Type 2 1.6J and 2.0.1
Alpitronic HYC150 DC and AC CCS1 / CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 >60kW 1.6J
Alpitronic HYC300 DC CSS1 / CCS2 / CHAdeMO >60kW 1.6J
Alpitronic HYC50 DC and AC CCS1 / CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 40-60kW 1.6J
Alpitronic HYC200 DC and AC CCS1 / CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 >60kW 1.6J
Alpitronic HYC400 DC and AC CCS1 / CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 >60kW 1.6J
Ampure Turbo Connect AC Type 1 8-22kW 1.6J
Anfuenergy AC-EV22K-X3 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
ATESS NOVO EVA AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
ATESS EVD-20S DC CCS2 8-22kW 1.6J
ATESS EVD-40S DC CCS2 22-40kW 1.6J
ATESS EVD-40D DC CCS2 / CHAdeMO 22-40kW 1.6J
ATESS EVD-60/80/100/120/160D DC CCS2 / CHAdeMO >60kW 1.6J
ATESS REVO EVD-150/180/300/360 DC CCS2 >60kW 1.6J
ATESS EVC-AC22S/DC60D EVC-AC44S/DC60D DC and AC CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 40-60kW 1.6J
ATESS EVC-AC22S/DC60D EVC-AC44S/DC60D DC and AC CCS2 + Type 2 >60kW 1.6J
AUTEL AC Wall Mount 22kW AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
AUTEL Elite Business AC 50A AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
AUTEL MaxiCharger 240kW DC CCS2 >60kW 1.6J
Bender / eBee eBee Modular Kit (Controller) 1.6J
Besen BS-EV22 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Beta Electric Charge Cube DC CCS1 >60kW 1.6J
BTC Power Gen 4 Tower DC CCS1 >60kW 1.6J
BTC Power HPC 200 kW DC CCS2 >60kW 1.6J
Bytesnap AC charger AC Type 2 1.6J
ByteSnap Versinetic (Controller) 1.6J and 2.0.1
Chaevi DC Sonic 180kW DC CCS1 + CCS1 >60kW 1.6J
Charge Amps Aura AC Type 2 40-60kW 1.6J
Charge Amps Dawn AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Charge Core AC002 AC Type 2 40-60kW 1.6J
ChargeTronix APEX DC Charger (60-360 Series) DC CCS1 / CHAdeMO >60kW 1.6J
ChargeTronix Flux AC Series AC Type 1 8-22kW 1.6J
Circontrol DC charger DC CCS2 1.6J
Circontrol R50 DC and AC CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 40-60kW 1.6J
Circontrol Smart eVolve T AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
CityEV CityLine 100 AC Type 2 <8kW 2.0.1
Compleo eBox AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Compleo HPC Charger DC CCS2 >60kW 1.6S
Compleo Simulator AC Type 2 1.6J
CTEK CS Connected v2 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
DEFA DEFA Power AC Type 2 8-22kW 2.0.1
Delta DCWB25 DC CCS1 22-40kW 1.6J
Delta EIAW-U19KSSU7A04 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Delta EVDE25D4DUM DC CCS2 / CHAdeMO 22-40kW 1.6J
Delta Slim 100 DC and AC >60kW 1.6J
Dover FS Wayne Power UX 180 DC CCS2 >60kW 1.6J
Easee EC AC Type 2 1.6J
Easee One AC Type 2 <8kW 1.6J
Easee Charging Robots AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
EATON DC 22kW DC CCS2 / CHAdeMO 8-22kW 1.6J
EATON Green Motion AC Building 22kW AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
eCars Ida Duo Smart AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
eCars Ida Logo Duo Smart AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
eCars Ida Logo Solo AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
eCars Ida Slim Logo AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
eCars Aya AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
eCars Eva AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Ecofactor 160kW DC DC CCS2 / CHAdeMO >60kW 1.6J
EcoG Controller AC Type 2 1.6J
Ecotap AC charger AC Type 2 1.6J
Efibat Portable AC 3,6kW AC Type 2 <8kW 1.6J
eJoin PORTY AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
EkoEnergetyka AXON Easy 180 DC CCS2 / CCS2 >60kW 1.6J
EkoEnergetyka FX50 AC Type 2 1.5S
Eldon Installation Laddbox One Smart AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Eldon Installation PWR 50 DC CCS2 40-60kW 1.6J
ElectroAir EACharger DC DC CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 / Type 1 >60kW 1.6J
Elinta Charge CityCharge AC Type 2 1.6J
Elprom EMZ MAP AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
EM2GO MN01 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
EMES EvPro Basic/Smart AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
EMES EvPro System Smart AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
EMES EvPro System Duo AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
EMES EasyPro DC CCS2 / CHAdeMO 22-40kW 1.6J
EMES RapidPro DC and AC CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 >60kW 1.6J
EN+ AC Charger AC Type 2 1.6J
EN+ AC011K-BE-35 (Caro) AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Enelion Bridge 2 Controller DC and AC 1.6J
Enelion LUMINA AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Enelion WALLBOX AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Enelion WALLBOX DUO POWER AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
eNovates Wallbox AC AC Type 2 1.6J
EO Genius 2 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Etreego DC Fast Charger 350kW DC CCS1 + CCS1 >60kW 1.6J
Etrel INCH AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Eunice Wink AC Type 2 1.6J
EVBee DC 180 DC CCS2 >60kW 1.6J
EVBee Lumina AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
EVBox Gen 3 Business Line AC Type 2 1.6J
EVBox Gen 4 Business Line AC Type 2 1.6J
EVBox Troniq 50 AC Type 2 1.6J
EVE Chargers AC Charger AC Type 2 1.6J
Evonity CFC DC and AC CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 >60kW 1.6J
Evonity PRO DUO (CHC) AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Evonity PRO DUO (PCC) AC Type 2 40-60kW 1.6J
EVSELLC 3704-A04xx Series AC Type 1 8-22kW 1.6J
Exicom Power Solution GB/T 60-200kW AC Type 2 1.6J
Fox ESS EV Charger AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J and 2.0.1
GARO AB Entity PRO Wallbox AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
GARO AB LS4 (Bender) AC Type 2 40-60kW 1.6J
Garo AB GLB Wallbox AC Type 1 / Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Garo AB LS4 Public Charging AC Type 1 / Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Garo AB QC45 Quickcharger Station DC and AC CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 40-60kW 1.6J
General Security Romania 60kW EVMS CCS2 EV Charger DC CCS2 40-60kW 1.6J
Gewiss I-ON/I-CON AC Type 2 22-40kW 1.6J
GoChargeV GS7-AC-B01/VX-R7 AC Type 2 <8kW 1.6J
Grasen DC 180 kW DC CCS2 + Type 2 >60kW 1.6J
Grasen GSCS750250A-T08 DC and AC CCS2 + Type 2 >60kW 1.6J
Gresgying DC Charger 60kW DC and AC CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 40-60kW 1.6J
Hager Witty Park AC Type 2 1.6J
Hager Witty Park - XEV601C AC Type 2 40-60kW 1.6S
HBE Technologies DC 240kW DC CCS1 / CCS2 >60kW 1.6J
Heliox Rapid 50kWh DC and AC CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 40-60kW 1.6J
Heliox Mobile 40kW DC CCS2 22-40kW 1.6J
Heliox Flex 180kW DC CCS2 >60kW 1.6J
Heliox Flex 360kW DC CCS2 >60kW 1.6J
Heliox Rapid 50 kW All-in-One DC and AC CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 40-60kW 1.6J
Heliox Rapid 150 kW DC and AC CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 >60kW 1.6J
Heliox Ultra-Fast 450 kW DC CCS2 >60kW 1.6J
Heliox Ultra-Fast 600 kW DC CCS2 >60kW 1.6J
Heliox Megawatt Charger DC CCS2 >60kW 1.6J
HiCi Digital Power Technology HK H30 1000 BE1L DC DC CCS2 / CHAdeMO 22-40kW 1.6J
i-Charging Blueberry DC CCS2 >60kW 1.6J
i-Charging Blueberry Fusion DC CSS1 / CCS2 / CHAdeMO / GB/T / NACS >60kW 1.6J
IES Keywatt 24 Wallbox DC and AC CCS1 / CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 22-40kW 1.6J
IES Keywatt 24 Station DC and AC CCS1 / CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 22-40kW 1.6J
IES Keywatt 50 Station DC and AC CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 40-60kW 1.6J
IES Keywatt 50 station bus / trucks DC and AC CCS2 40-60kW 1.6J
IES Synergy wallbox G3X tri AC Type 2 1.6J
Iglu Tech Iglu Charge AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Indra Smart Pro 23 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Infy Power EXP480K2 DC GB/T / CCS1 / CCS2 / CHAdeMO >60kW 1.6J
Infy Power EXP180K2-FT DC Fast Charger DC GB/T / CCS1 / CCS2 / CHAdeMO >60kW 1.6J
Infy Power EXP60K3-FT Fast DC Charger DC and AC GB/T / CCS1 / CCS2 / SCHAdeMO + Type 2 40-60kW 1.6J
Infy Power EXP30K2-FDW Fast Wallbox DC Charger DC and AC GB/T / CCS1 / CCS2 / SCHAdeMO + Type 2 22-40kW 1.6J
Ingeteam Fusion Street AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Ingeteam Rapid 50 AC Type 2 1.6J
Ingeteam Rapid 60 DC CSS1 / CCS2 / CHAdeMO 40-60kW 1.6J
Injet iNSCDA120K1 DC CCS1 / CCS2 >60kW 1.6J
Injet Swift Series AC Type 2 / GBT 8-22kW 1.6J
Iotecha Iotecha CCS - C80A AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
IoTecha CCSoM (Controller) 1.6J
Iskraemeco Urban Box DC CCS2 22-40kW 1.6J
Joint Tech EVC10 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Joint Tech EVC27 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Joint Tech EVC37 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Joint Tech EVCD 1 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Joint Tech EVD100/060 DC CCS2 40-60kW 1.6J
Joint Tech EVM002 AC Type 1 8-22kW 1.6J
Juicebar JB3.0-402 AC Type 2 / Type 1 8-22kW 1.6J
Juicebox 2JBO401 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Keba KeCompact P30 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Kempower Station Charger DC and AC CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 >60kW 1.6J
Kostad CPC50CJ-P22 DC CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 40-60kW 1.6J
Kostad Unity50 CJP22 DC and AC CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 40-60kW 1.6J
Legrand EVB100 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Legrand Home Charger AC Type 1 8-22kW 1.6J
Legrand Networked Charger AC Type 1 8-22kW 1.6J
Link Power IEC 3 Mode Standart AC Type 2 <8kW 1.6J
Linkcharging Technology Linchr AC 7kW AC Type 2 <8kW 1.6J
Lite-On EX-3332-1A13 AC Type 2 <8kW 1.6J
Lite-On Gen 2 AC 48A Charger AC Type 1 8-22kW 1.6J
Longhorn Longhorn 80A Commercial Charger AC Type 1 8-22kW 1.6J
Mario EV HT044OGJLZTW12 -3 AC Type 2 40-60kW 1.6J
MC Chargers ORION AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
MC Chargers ORION midi AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
MC Chargers ORION mini AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Mobility Energy (Smart-ing) MEDC DC 40-60kW 1.6J
Nanjing PowerCore Technology AC006 AC Type 1 / Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Nanjing PowerCore Technology ADC DC and AC CCS1 / CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 >60kW 1.6J
Nanjing PowerCore Technology BDC DC CCS1 / CCS2 / CHAdeMO 22-40kW 1.6J
Nanjing PowerCore Technology AC002 AC Type 1 / Type 2 40-60kW 1.6J
Nanjing PowerCore Technology PAC AC Type 1 / Type 2 40-60kW 1.6J
Nanjing PowerCore Technology AC003 AC Type 1 / Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Nanjing PowerCore Technology SDC DC CCS1 / CCS2 / CHAdeMO >60kW 1.6J
ND Group DC 160kW DC CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 >60kW 1.6J
Nexans AGICITY UNO AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Nexans AGICITY AP AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Nexans AGICITY PRO AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Nexans AGICITY DUO AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Nexans AGICITY PRO NOUVELLE GENERATION AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J and 2.0.1
Nexans AGICITY CITIZ AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J and 2.0.1
Nidec DirectPower360 DC CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 >60kW 1.6J
OAKSUM Smart AC AC series AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Orbis Viaris Combi Plus AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Origin Origin Two 120kW DC CCS2 >60kW 1.6J
Parasol Elite Power DCFC 350kW DC CCS1 >60kW 1.6J
Peblar Business AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Phihong Wallbox 7 kW AC Type 2 1.6J
PII (Power Innovations International) EVQC030 DC CCS2 22-40kW 1.6J
Piwin PEVC2107E AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Piwin PEVC3107E DC CSS1 / CCS2 / CHAdeMO >60kW 1.6J
Plus International T-1000 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
PNE Global DC 120kW DC CCS2 >60kW 1.6J and 2.0.1
Power Electronics NB240 Standalone Charger DC CSS1 / CCS2 / CHAdeMO >60kW 1.6J
ProDrive Sampled V0.1 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
RatioEV io6 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Rolec Quantum ROLEC0421B AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Rolec Zura AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Sanki SPEED-E Series DC CCS1 40-60kW 1.6J
Scame 204.CA Series AC Type 2 40-60kW 1.6J
Scame BE-M Series DC CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 >60kW 1.6J
Scame BE-W[2.0] Series AC Type 2 40-60kW 1.6J
Schneider Electric EVLink AC Type 2 1.6J
Schneider Electric EVLink DC 180kW DC CCS2 >60kW 1.6J
Schneider Electric EVLink Pro AC AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Schneider Electric Monoblock AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Schneider Electric Schneider Charge AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Seek Energetics Lumi AC Type 2 1.6J
Shenzhen Hongjiali DC 120kW DC CCS2 / CHAdeMO >60kW 1.6J
Shenzhen Hongjiali DCB030A DC CCS2 22-40kW 1.6J
Shenzhen Hongjiali AC 22kW 32A AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Sicon Electric EVMS60 AC CCS2 40-60kW 1.6J
Siemens SiCharge 160kW DC and AC CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 >60kW 1.6J
Siemens Versi Charge 3 (VC3) AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Siemens VersiCharge AC Type 2 1.6J
Siemens VersiCharge AC Wallbox Gen 3 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Sinexcel DC Charger 480kW DC CCS2 >60kW 1.6J
Sino PEVC2017E series AC Type 1 / Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Sino PEVC3107E series DC CCS1 / CCS2 / CHAdeMO >60kW 1.6J
Smappee EV One AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Smappee EV Wall AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Smappee EV Base AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Smappee EV Ultra DC CCS2 >60kW 1.6J
Sola Ultron XS50 DC and AC Type 2 >60kW 1.6J
Sparklin 3,7kW AC Type 2 <8kW 1.6J
SSE International DC EV Quick Charger DC CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 >60kW 1.6J
Star Charge Aurora AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Star Charge Neptune DC 240kW DC CCS2 / CHAdeMO >60kW 1.6J
Star Charge Saturn AC Type 2 1.6J
Sungrow IDC030E-1000 DC CCS2 22-40kW 1.6J
Sungrow IDC180E DC CCS2 >60kW 1.6J
Sync EV EVWC2S22GR AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Sync EV EVWC2S7G AC Type 2 <8kW 1.6J
Sync EV EVS7G-02 AC Type 2 <8kW 1.6J
Teison AC0047T2A01 AC Type 2 1.6J
Teison EDC30 DC CCS1 / CCS2 22-40kW 1.6J
Tellus Power DC 60kW Charger DC CSS1 / CCS2 / CHAdeMO 40-60kW 1.6J
Tellus Power OMODA - AC 22kW Charger AC Type 2 / Type 1 8-22kW 1.6J
Teltonika TeltoCharge AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
TGood AC AC Type 2 1.6J
TOPBAND iZCJ AC Charger 22kW AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Tritium TRI 93-50-01 AC Type 2 1.6J
Tritium TRI-155-PKMCS-01 DC CCS2 >60kW 1.6J
UGV A149CG-H50C120T22J7-D-RMH AC CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 / Type 1 >60kW 1.6J
ULAND Power AC 11,5 kW - 48A AC Type 1 8-22kW 1.6J
V2Charge Pole Pro AC Type 2 40-60kW 1.6J
VCHRGD Seven AC Type 2 <8kW 1.6J
Vega Chargers Aloha Gravity 30 kW DC CCS2 22-40kW 1.6J
VESTEL EVC 01 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
VESTEL EVC 04 AC Type 1 / Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
VESTEL EVC 05 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
VESTEL EVC 10 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
VESTEL EVC 03 DC CCS2 / CHAdeMO >60kW 1.6J
VESTEL EVC 06 DC and AC CCS2 / CHAdeMO + Type 2 40-60kW 1.6J
Volkswagen Flexpole Booster DC CCS2 40-60kW 1.6J
Wallbox Commander II AC Type 2 1.6J
Wallbox Copper SB AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Wallbox Supernova DCF1 DC CCS2 / CHAdeMO 40-60kW 1.6J
Webasto Next AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Webasto Unite AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Weeyu HM20 AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Wellborne WB-22S-S/WRL AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Winline YLUXD80KE DC CCS2 / CHAdeMO >60kW 1.6J
XCharge C4 EU AC Type 2 1.6J
XCharge C6 EU AC Type 2 1.6J
XCharge C6AM DC CCS1 / CHAdeMO >60kW 1.6J
XCharge C7 DC CCS2 >60kW 1.6J and 2.0.1
Zaptec Zaptec Go AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Zaptec Zaptec Pro AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
Zerova AW32 AC Type 2 / Type 1 <8kW 1.6J
Zerova AX48 AC Type 1 8-22kW 1.6J
Zerova DO 360 DC CSS1 / CCS2 / CHAdeMO / GB/T / NACS >60kW 1.6J
Zerova DS Series 180kW DC CSS1 / CCS2 / CHAdeMO / GB/T >60kW 1.6J
Zerova AX80 AC Type 1 8-22kW 1.6J and 2.0.1
ZJBeny BCP-AT2N-P AC Type 2 8-22kW 1.6J
ZJBeny BCP-B2N-L AC Type 2 <8kW 1.6J
ZJBeny BDC120-D DC CCS2 40-60kW 1.6J and 2.0.1
Manufacturer Model Type Connectors Power Ranges (max KW) Protocol

Pour plus d’informations sur les fonctionnalités prises en charge ou pour demander des tests d’intégration pour des bornes spécifiques, veuillez nous contacter.

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Si votre borne de recharge n’est pas listée, demandez un test d’intégration OCPP (incluant jusqu’à 80 tests différents) pour rejoindre notre liste de bornes prises en charge.

Les tests d'intégration AMPECO incluent des vérifications pour OCPP 1.6, OCPP 2.0.1, ISO15118, AutoCharge, conformité Eichrecht, et plus encore.